Sunday, December 8, 2013

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014! What Will You Do With Your Life?

So, 2014 is less than a month away. Yeah, I can't believe it either. You're probably wondering 'WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!?!'. Don't worry, you're not alone.
It seemed like it was only yesterday when everyone was making Facebook posts about the end of time, and all of those shows about people that prepared their families for the apocalypse (I can only imagine how embarrassed they felt).

This messy year is nearly over, and I realized that there wasn't much I can say that I did. 2013 wasn't all that great, honestly. I feel as though it was a waste of time, and considering all of the posts and pictures I come across, so do most people.

So, I think it's fair to say, 2014 needs to be totally different. We need to do something with our lives. Time is limited, and it's only going by faster. It will never slow down. No one knows when the world will come to an end. The choices you make will determine whether or not your last years on Earth are worth something, or a waste of time.

I've decided to help you out a bit. As of right now, you can chose to make 2014 a great year. You have to be willing, though. And determined. Good times, more than likely, won't just come to you. You have to make them. I've put together a list of ideas that can help you make this next year a little less sucky, and actually do something progressive.

#1. This is the simplest of them all. Write. 
 Writing is one of the most effective ways of venting and expressing your feelings.
If you're having a crappy day, go write about it! Something exciting happened? Go write about it! There are so many things that one could write about, the choices are endless. When you write, you have the ability to document your life. There's no limitations.
You don't have to write a novel or a series, it can be a poem, a song, a short story, or diary entries. Maybe even notes in a journal.
History itself is made by writing.Through books, through ideas, and thoughts!!! You can open the doors to a whole new world if you just grab a piece of paper and a pencil.
If you would like to share some of your awesome works, there are free sites like Wattpad and Figment that allow you to make a profile and let the world read what your masterpieces!
Also, another great source of writing is blogging. 
Have you ever seen MTV's hit series 'Awkward'? Try doing what Jenna does.
 Blogging is just like having an online diary.
Writing is a great way to spend some free time. There are endless possibilities of what could happen, you never know. Maybe you'll find out you're a pro at it. Maybe you'll find yourself not as stressed out. No matter which form of it you chose, make it happen.

#2. Join a club.
If you're in school, see if there are some clubs that you might be interested in. High school is a rough place, and being part of something might make it a little better. You'll feel like you fit in. Plus, when it's time for college, the fact that you were a member of a club will help you out.

If you're not in school, try googling clubs or groups in your area. Being around people that have similar interests will be a great way to socialize and meet new people.

#3. Volunteer.
Volunteering is tremendously good for your spirit, experience, and future references.
If you have nothing to do, or maybe just a few hours to spare between school/work, go help out somewhere! When you are willing to volunteer, it shows that you are a contribution to the community and that you mind helping others.
If you're thinking about a career you want to pursue, see if there are ways you can get experience by volunteering somewhere. You will be one step ahead and prepared for what's to come.
There are many places you can volunteer at, like:
  • animal shelter
  • hospital
  • campaignes
  • activist groups
  • promotions
  • local events
  • nursing/retirement home
  • soup kitchen/ shelters for the homeless
  • Goodwill
  • Salvation Army
  • libraries
  • school
  • police department
  • church
  • local stores/shops

If you can't find any places to volunteer at, just do your own community service. Try getting some food for the stray animals in your neighborhood. If there's any elderly people in your block, ask them if you could mow their lawn or clean their house. You can't imagine how much that will mean to someone.
Volunteering can present to you a lot of opportunities... and make your resume look great!

#4. Get a job!
Yeah, I said it. GO GET A JOB!!!
If you already have one, that's awesome! If you don't (and you're old enough to have one) this is a perfect way to be progressive in life, and make some extra cash!
Having a job is never a bad thing. You can start out small, like working at the mall or at a fast food restaurant. Then when you're ready and have enough skills and education requirements needed, don't be afraid to go get it! The economy has no room for slacking off. You will struggle unless you put in your share of work (or if your family is rich!). I'm not trying to put you down, but there are many people out there who are financially unstable because they procrastinate and don't take the time to just get a job. 
No matter what your record is, or how inexperienced you are, you can find a job. There will be someone to help you and give you a chance. It just takes effort. 
More and more, people forget what work ethic is. I advice you guys to not slack off in life. You are missing out on so, so much. 
Here are some ways to find a job:
  • read the newspaper
  • Google job hirings in your area
  • spread the word to parents
  • spread the word to friends/peers
  • go out to each individual place you are willing to work at, and fill out an application!
You will be happy when you do. The feeling of getting your first pay check is amazing, regardless of amount. Trust me.

Besides, the world is full of ways to occupy time. If nothing I said above works for you, then find what does. Maybe it's music, or exercising, or spending time with people you love.

So, all in all, I hope you guys decide to do something meaningful next year. Whether it's something I mentioned, or not, just do it. You can't keep waiting for life to come to you, because it won't, it will only end. Another day is not guaranteed.
Love, Nana. 

Zombies. Vampires. Demons. Romance Or What???

So, last night, my mom and I watched 'Warm Bodies' for the second time.
I have to say, it's a pretty awesome movie. I really dig the whole "Romeo and Juliet" concept. (If you never realized this, R stands for Romeo, and obviously Julie is Juliet. Notice the scene where he speaks to her while she's on the balcony. And the fact that they are basically in love yet their 'families' are against each other.) It's modern, comical, and gives its viewers a new outlook on the zombie genre. Who would have thought about bringing the zombies back to life... with love? It's perfect.

I seen some bloggers online comparing the romance-comedy to 'Twilight'.
Um... No. Let me stop you right there. Vamps and zombs are on two different levels, okay? Twilight is about a young girl that doesn't fit in, and falls in love with someone that's just like her, in a way. Warm Bodies is about the aftermath of the apocalypse, where man-eating corpses accumulate most of the remaining population. A human girl is saved by one of them, and brings his heart back to life. Thus a cure is found, to exhume the corpses and save the world.

I mean, I see how one would think that the movies are similar: A girl falling for a dead guy. But come on, that's the only similarity.

When the world does come to an end, and the apocalypse breaks out, I can only hope that my soul has already left. I would hate to be stuck on this planet in the middle of chaos and destruction. But, if for some horrible reason I am still alive... there better not be any zombies. I seriously doubt they would be anything like Warm Bodies. Haha. Oh yeah, 'Warm Bodies' kind of reminds me of 'I Am Legend'... at least more than 'Twilight'. Both movies include the outbreak of human-eating monsters, where the main character finds a cure. Eh, I don't know.

So, what is it with in-human guys that is so interesting to some girls? Is it the strength? The speed? The immortality? Or just being something different than the average man? Whatever it is, I can't argue. It's interesting to me too. The idea of falling in love with someone so different and mysterious is just really thrilling. I would so love to somehow stumble upon a guy that's something different. Vampire maybe? Not the twilight kind either. More like Dracula style. Zombie? That's cool but... he'd have to brush his teeth. And shower.
I just think it's weird that paranormal or supernatural characteristics are such a big excitement for females. Are we really saying that we're into necrophilia?! Ha. Yes... that's exactly what we're saying. We would actually fall in love with a dead guy. No wonder men don't understand us.

But all joking aside, it is a big topic. A great amount of online book-sharing sites such as 'Wattpad', 'Figment', and many others, are full of romance stories that involve characters having feelings for someone that's either dead or has some paranormal characteristics. It's not just online either, go to a local book store, or library. You will definitely see a huge section dedicated to 'Paranormal Romance'. (Edward McKay's Used Books has a plethora of these types of books, it's truly unbelievable.) Not to mention, all the movies that are now being created based upon this new conception.

I would like to talk to a psychologist and learn why we are so attracted to such unnatural and dark things. It's pretty crazy. And did we forget that the classic vampire, zombie, alien, demon, whatever you're into, is supposed to be beast-like and horrifying? When did we decide to make them beautiful creatures? Like one day somebody said "You know what? I think a monster would be a great boyfriend." Ha.
As if these evil things would even be capable of love.
But hey, I'm not knocking it at all. Trust me. Whether you're into it or not, is up to you. Regardless, the movie, in my opinion, was great. Love conquers all. No matter how screwed up something or someone is, they can change. Never forget that.

Love, Nana.

Friday, December 6, 2013

I Have To Let You Go. But I Will Always Love You.

Today, December 6, 2013... is the day I officially let you go.
You are a huge part of me. And I'll never be able to completely erase you from me, not even if I wanted to. I've always loved you and I always will. I know you feel the same about me too.
Don't ever think that I just walked away. That was the hardest thing I've ever done.
But... it needed to be done. There were just parts of me, parts of my secrets... that were tearing me apart. I couldn't let you be hurt anymore.
There will always be parts of me, that will remain hidden. For that, I had to let you go. Please forgive me. Please know that I did this for you. And for me... but mostly you.
You are the sunshine of my day. I couldn't take it if I was the reason that your light faded. I only want you to shine brighter. 

The 2 years and 3 months that were together was the craziest time of my life. I wouldn't take it back for the world. 

There were sooo many things wrong with us and our relationship, I don't know how we made it this far. Well... maybe I do. I love you so so so so so so much. Honestly. The time you crashed your ATV and hurt your head, I nearly lost it. Thank God you were okay. If the doctors would've told me that you weren't going to make it, that would've been the end of me. I can't live if you aren't.

You drive me crazy. Literally, haha. But believe me, I know I drive you crazy too.
If I drove you too crazy, I'm sorry. I never wanted that. I'm just a wild drive, and you're so mellow. Perhaps my ride was too bumpy for you. Hell, for me too. And that's why we both got carsick.

I think we both learned something in that long, drastic relationship. It's that, we were always perfect. Just not perfect for each other. We are completely brilliant, but totally opposite. Our minds are nothing alike. I always thought was funny. You would say one thing. And I would say another. I guess opposites attract, right? :)

My one regret is screwing things up so bad. To the point of no return. You say that we have to learn in life, and that you have no regrets. But I know that ever since that happened, you've never looked at me the same. I didn't even look at myself the same. You are such a great person, with forgiveness in your heart. I really respect that.

That's one of the things I love about you. You think of others without hesitation. You are an amazing person.

I don't want to talk about this too much, because I might start to cry. If you ever read this, know that you will always be a part of my heart, mind, and soul. I grew with you. You grew with me. Nothing that ever happens will ever make me stop loving you. I wish you the very best in life, you deserve it. Forgive me, for breaking your heart. For putting you through so much shit. Don't ever forget me, please. I hope one day we can be friends again. You are sacred to me. I love you. And finally, goodbye. <3


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Relationships in High School... Bleh

Why are relationships so hard? I think that probably no matter what age you are, a relationship can be tough. I'm only 17, and I know I'm still very young and haven't seen the world yet, so I shouldn't worry about stuff like this. But I do. Not just the typical high school fling or the hot jock/cheerleader deal... Screw all of that. I was never really into that type of stuff. I mean, I've had my share of crushes and whatnot.. but I knew better than to expect anything from any high school guy. My "friends" would come to me with so much drama between them and their boyfriend. And I would tell them the same thing over and over.
No wonder he's cheating on you!!! He's still young himself!!! No wonder there's so much drama. No wonder theirs so much conflict.
Don't think I believe that all guys in high school are like that, because they're not. And even guys that are in college or  completely done with school have their share of problems. I'm just saying that in the high school I went to, there was no way I was going to let myself get caught up in all the bullshit. (Another perk of being a loner.)
The thing I'm really stumped on, is why my relationships are so complex. There are so many reasons I can list as to why my relationships are so sucky... but I'll leave that out. I really want to discuss High School Relationships.
First off let me start by saying, just because your friends are taken, doesn't mean you have to be.
The problem with most students is that they think being in a relationship is a trend. And, unfortunately, it is. Or at least that's what it's becoming. So many high schoolers get a boy friend or a girlfriend because they think it's cool or because their peers are doing it. 
And we all know what that leads to.  
When I was in school, my classmates would be going out with  a different person every other week. What the hell? CALM DOWN CHILDREN, DON'T BE SO EASY.
You girls don't realize that being single and exclusive and a virgin IS A GOOD THING. 
I'm not saying don't have fun and miss out on your high school experiences, but don't be a hoe either. You don't have to date every guy in the yearbook to have a good time. 
Try getting to know yourself in life, learning what makes you happy. If there's a guy you like, then just talk to him and hang out for a while. There's no rush!!! If you think he's a good person then sure, go ahead and date him (if you're allowed). But don't do anything you will regret. Because once you do it, you can't change it. I think most people forget that. 
That's how rumors start. And gossiping. And bullying.
Do you really want that? Do you want to be known as easy? Do you want to lose your virginity so quickly to just any guy?
Have respect for yourself. Guys will like that (especially older guys, which are way better, just saying). Not just that, you will have something to be proud of. Trust me.
Being a whore isn't cool. It isn't sexy. And it isn't something to be proud of.
But it is trashy. It is dirty. And it's definitely something you will regret. 
Be classy. Be a lady. Be that girl that everyone wanders about. The one that all the guys want but can't have. Well, except a special one ;)...
But do you get my point? Young people these days are losing their values and what it means to be respectable to themselves and one another. 
There is a guy out there for you girls, but you're not going to find him by sampling every dude you see. He will come to you somehow, someway. So just wait. Save yourselves. You will be so so so happy that you did. 

To all of you guys... ENOUGH WITH THE 'SWAG' BULLSHIT. You don't have it. 
What you need to have is a damn clue and pull up your pants. It's not attractive. Sure, those girls that act like hoes and think they run everything will like it. But the girls that are smart and actually about something DON'T. Stop talking and acting like little thug/punks, go to school, and handle your business. Smoking weed all day and partying will get you no where in life. Mouthing off to the teachers that are there to HELP you doesn't make you a 'somebody'. It makes you a sorry person and it's only your loss. Not theirs. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You can do better. You can be better. I know you might be going through some things at home, or have some heavy burdens weighing you down... But please don't give up on school. Don't give up on your education. Like I said in my first post, you don't have to stay in a normal high school, but if you do, make the best of it. Don't make a hassle for those poor teachers. Don't be a slouch. Do what you know is right. 
You're a young man. You're a leader in the world. Don't be a loser or a follower. Those trends going around in school are just that, trends. Don't let them define you. You define yourself.
Getting with a different girl every week is so so wrong. You should have more respect for girls. And for yourself. You're setting the bar very very low. Raise that bar. Don't settle for the girl that takes any guy and causes a scene and doesn't care for herself or anyone else. Go for a nice girl that has a future. 

Bottom line guys, if you're in high school, chill out. Okay? Have fun yes, but don't go crazy. Don't become another follower or another hoe. You are all worthy of the best, so be the best. High school is what you make it, and relationships are a big part of that, so just think about things. (I know I sound like someone that's a nun or  Amish or anti-'learn from my mistakes', but I'm not. I'm just warning you that sometimes we make too many mistakes).

To everyone that's in a relationship and it's getting pretty rough, just make a choice. You can break up and go on with your life. Or you can stay together. That choice isn't the end of the world. So don't worry. If one way doesn't work then try the other. It's never too late to make a change.  
Love, Nana. 

Self Harm = Self Harm. End of Story.

So, there was something that I left off on my last post (Stop Hating On Self Harmers !!!).
It was that the usual self harm people talk about is "cutting". But why is that the only thing we label as self harm? It's definitely not. Here is a list of things that I consider self harm:
1. Smoking. Whether it's cigarettes, weed, cocaine, or whatever else you can possibly smoke.
2. Drinking.
3. Over eating.
4. Under eating/ self starving/ bulimia.
5. Fighting.
Everything that I just listed is a form of self harm. So why is it that we only target and label people that cut themselves? Why are we not concerned about the ones that are smoking cigs on a daily or drinking so much they need their stomaches pumped? Sre they not hurting their bodies? Are they not purposely doing what they're doing? Seriously what's the difference?
Why is it so taboo and extreme and psychotic for someone to cut themselves but perfectly fine and normal for someone to fill their lungs with smoke or swallow poison? 
We really need to reevaluate ourselves, people. I mean come on!!!
So many people die each year from the effects of smoking and drinking (I'm going broad with this, so don't be closed minded), and yet we don't call them psychotic and put them in mental hospitals!!!
It just angers me that cutters are the only ones looked down upon and shunned. As id they are aliens or the scum of the earth. I mean, if they're cutting themselves already why make the problem worse?
We all need to take a good look at ourselves and the things we say and do. 
Now, I'm not condoning cutting, even though I have done it myself because of my own reasons, but I'm not condoning drinking and smoking either. Sure, a little bit of recreational smokes and drinks is okay (You know, at parties and events, or to clear the mind a bit), but the line is crossed when that little bit of fun turns into dangerous and fatal outcomes. That's when it's time to stop. That's when it's really considered self harm.
So, my main point of this is... We shouldn't look down upon and label those that cut. Because they are not different than anyone else who harms their body in any way. Hell, that could even include tattooing. But that's another topic for another day.
Anyways, stop the madness people. It's all the same. Any form of self harm is the same. No matter the reason or situation or the form, it's happening and it's up to us what we're going to do about it.
Are you going to put someone down for their weakness? Or are you going to help them?
You decide.
Love, Nana. 

Stop Hating On Self-Harmers !!!

So some of you may know of an app called "iFunny". If you don't, it's an app where users post funny pictures, gifs, and videos. I have that app downloaded and am a faithful user.
Lastnight I was browsing through some pics when I came across a pic where a girl (who calls herself suuuuuuper_bitch) basically said that everyone who self harms has alot in life to be thankful for and to stop whining. She got many likes on her comments and pic and anyone that disagreed was shunned and disliked.
Let me tell you something 'super bitch'.
You have NO right at all to assume anything about anyone's life. Unless you have been in their shoes, you cannot tell them how to express their depression or anger. How DARE you sit there and list the things that they should be thankful for, when you don't know if they even have that. You said that having a phone/ipod is enough to be thankful for. Um, last time I checked, alot of people have phones but are still struggling financially, maybe going through relationship problems, being beaten at home, hell maybe even homeless!
Self harm is unhealthy in the eyes of society, I get that. But for you and your pathetic followers to say that self-harmers should "suck it up and deal with it" is heartless and unkind. Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that a lot of them that do it are for very wrong reasons and maybe just for attention, but not ALL of them. Depression and anger at it's finest can be damaging to a persons mind and cause them to do a plethora of unhealthy things to others and to themselves. For you to judge their situations is just beyond heartless. I mean really. How heartless can you be? We are supposed to love each other and build each other up. I don't care what race you are, what religion you are, or what political party you stand for. If you are feeling so low in life that you want to harm yourself, then I will fully be there for you and help you the best that I can. No matter how small that person's problem may be to you, it can be huge to them. So don't sit there and say that they need to "deal with it like real people would".
And to all of you that think self harm or suicide makes a person a coward, then you need to be put in the situation. To be able to inflict pain purposely on yourself takes alot of guts that most people don't have. And to kill yourself? That's not cowardly at all. You might argue that the fact that they are running from their problems is cowardly. And on some cases I might agree. Like a criminal or a killer that kills himself to avoid jail. But I'm talking about bully victims. Rape victims. Torture victims. Abuse victims. Depression victims. If you're being pushed and pushed and put down to the point that you need to end your own life... than I will not say you are a coward. I will not put you down any further. I will lift you up. And if you do kill yourself, then that's a sign to us as human beings that we aren't loving each other the way we should.
Come on people. It isn't science. Why are we hating the weaker ones? Yes, there are some of us who have been through tough shit and survived without a scratch, but then again there are those that don't. Not all of us are strong. Not all of us can handle it.
So, let's stop judging one another. We all have different lives. If you don't agree with what someone is doing, then help them. Give then support. Don't put them down and label them. You're just adding to the reason they are doing what they are doing.
Just be human.
Love, Nana.

Monday, November 25, 2013

High School

So, high school was completely horrible for me. And I don't mean to sound like a typical teenager, but it really did suck. In 9th grade I tried every different hair style, extension, and dye you can think of. That was my most imaginative year. I really shocked the school with how I expressed myself. Not just my hair, but with my clothes and make up. Gothic maybe? Emo? Scene? Whatever. I was who I was. And honestly, I still don't know exactly who I was. But that's what high school is about right? Finding who you are?
It's just taking a bit longer for me. I graduated early (I should be a senior right now), and that's the best thing that could've happened to me. If I could tell all of you high school students this, I would:
Believe me, I thought I was stuck too. But there is a way out. Here are your options if you stay in normal high school:
1. Be the student that has a ton of friends, goes to every even/club, and genuinely have a good time.
2. Be a total loner. This eliminates the drama and rumors. Plus everyone thinks you're mysterious ;) 
3. Hang out with the "outcasts". You'll feel welcome and excepted, and probably meet some awesome people.
4. Have very few friends, and just keep somewhat to yourself.

Now, don't get me wrong. All of those options are great if you make them that way, but don't let others label you. And if they do, then so what. Forget them. All that matters at the end of the day is if you're happy with yourself and where you are, and your grades.
Here are your other options:
1. Home school. Now, let me explain. Home schooling isn't just about your parents, it can be at a local private school or program. Maybe even a personal teacher/tutor.
2. Middle College. You get your semesters finished faster, and you get a head start on college classes.
3. An alternative high school. They are typically smaller and more private.
4. Drop out and get your GED, (now its equal to a high school diploma, just ask a college.)

So, you see, high school is what you make it. There are many different options of how you make it through those four years. And if you do decide to just tough it out and stay in a normal high school, ask if you can switch to a different one if you don't like the one you're at. You don't have to stay in one place or do the same thing. The world is yours for the taking.

Back to what I was saying, I'm very glad that high school is part of my past. If I ever have kids of my own, I will do my best to make high school a great experience for them.
Who ever is reading this, just know that if you don't like your life right now, then change it. Whether it's making friends, dropping some, studying harder, or just leaving high school in general... DO IT. 
But remember, success is the goal.
Good luck.
Love, Nana.